The steward program is for Union activists. Stewards participate in a wide range of activities that include organizing non-union employees, market share protection, politics, community activism, member education, and in-store mobilization.
Stewards act as a liaison between the Union and the members and give us a constant Union presence in the workplace.
Stewards keep up to date on all Union activities and current events and are able to report all important information to their fellow members. They read all available union literature such as the UFCW News, Steward Store Bulletin, and Active Ballot Club newsletter.
Stewards are leaders and mentors in their workplace who have earned the respect of both management and fellow members.
Stewards truly value the benefits of their Union job and always strive to protect those benefits.
Becoming a Steward creates opportunities for leadership development and added responsibility with the greatest satisfaction in helping our union and fellow members.