Member Uses UFCW Union Plus AT&T Discount
To Save On Smartphone and Wireless Costs
With six children running around, the Kirchner family of Spring Hill, Tenn., has a full house and a tight budget. Matt, who works at a Kroger grocery store as a dues-paying member of the United Food and Commercial Workers International (UFCW) Local 1995, and Samantha, appreciate the union wages and benefits that help them support their family and the “huge difference” their UFCW Union Plus benefits provide.
Samantha and Matt used their Union Plus Credit Card to upgrade to a new Samsung Galaxy S4 smartphone last December. They received a $100 rebate and are taking advantage of the AT&T 15% monthly discount on select monthly wireless plans available to all dues-paying union members.
The phone has become invaluable for Samantha in helping her take care of things for her family – a girl, 12; two boys, six and eight; two five-year-old girls; and a nine-month-old boy.
“I use (the smartphone) for everything — from social media to e-mail to keeping track of all our family calendars,” says Kirchner. “So I do everything from the phone that allows me to integrate with the computer which I can’t always get to because my lifestyle doesn’t always call for sitting in front of the computer. So I’m able to work as I go along throughout the day rather than having to take time away to take care of business.”
“I just really appreciate that they offered it,” says Kirchner of the Union Plus smartphone rebate. “It was nice that time of year to be able to have a little treat for ourselves because a lot of times it goes into the kids.” Kirchner says the money saved will benefit the kids too. “That small amount makes a huge difference when it comes to things … it definitely allows us breathing room, which is huge.”
Kirchner has good reason to be loyal to AT&T – her late grandmother worked as an AT&T operator her entire career.
The AT&T 15% wireless discount is available to all UFCW members and retirees. It is available on select monthly plans with a two-year contract, and enrollment can be done at an AT&T owned store or on the web. Use the union AT&T Wireless Discount FAN number: 3508840.
Additionally, Union Plus Credit Card holders are eligible to receive up to a $100 rebate on the purchase of a new smartphone, as well as a $150 rebate when switching from non-union wireless providers like Verizon Wireless, Sprint and T-Mobile to AT&T.
And remember, when you choose AT&T wireless, you’re supporting over 45,000 union members at the nation’s only unionized wireless carrier.
As a UFCW member, you’re connected to a world of special Union Plus benefits and services. UFCW members can also apply for one of the credit cards offered through the Union Plus Credit Card program, which offers competitive rates and hardship assistance benefits for eligible cardholders after just three months, including job loss, strike, disability and hospital grants1. Other benefits include savings on everything from movie tickets to car rentals to free budget and debt counseling to visits to the veterinarian.
To learn more about all of your UFCW Union Plus benefits, visit UnionPlus.org. Limited funding is available for the Union Plus Smartphone Rebate, so union members who are considering the purchase of a new smartphone or switching from non-union carriers may want to take advantage now.
Certain restrictions, limitations, and qualifications apply to these grants. Additional information and eligibility criteria can be obtained at UnionPlus.org/assistance
Credit approval required. Terms & Conditions apply. Union Plus Credit Cards issued by Capital One, N.A.
Credit approval and new two-year service agreement required. Offer cannot be combined with any other discounts. Qualifying monthly data plan required. The 15% Union Plus AT&T wireless discount is not available on the iPad®, additional lines for family plans, unlimited plans and Unity plans. Data services: only the 5GB data plan and the shared minutes and data for AT&T Mobile share plans are discounted. All other individual plans, data plans on secondary lines, and text plans are not discounted. Other conditions and restrictions apply. iPad is a registered trademark of Apple, Inc. For more information, visit UnionPlus.org/ATT15.
The program is currently for residents in the United States and not available in Guam or Canada. AT&T service may not cover an entire state, check your local service map.